Our Vision
"Many Churches, One Purpose: Serving the churches of Britain and Ireland on the shared journey towards full visible unity in Christ."
There are many different Christian churches and denominations, but all have the same basic calling – to worship God, to share the good news about Jesus Christ and to work for the good of all people. Churches Together in Clapham (CTiC) is part of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland(CTIB) which is the umbrella organisation helping to bring these Christian churches together under Christian unity.
Find out more about Churches Together in Britain (CTBI) here.
We hope through Churches Together in Clapham to play our part in this ecumenism which includes x 6 Anglican Churches, The Methodist Church, Baptist Church, The Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Church and Power of the Living Word Ministries.
You can find our churches here.
Each member church has up to three representatives helping run CTiC but anyone is free to join the meetings and services. Please play your full part in getting to know all our CTiC neighbours.